
Nine expectations poster - this poster lists the nine major expectations I have of my students in class, behaviorally. It's titled ut bene succedat.

Assessment scale - this poster is the five-point scale on which I assess my students' progress, and on which they assess themselves.

Do you understand - this is the scale, based off of the Marzano scale, on which I ask students to show me how well they understand what's going on.


Dropbox folder: videos

In the above folder are several videos about Marius, Agrippina and Caesar (made-up characters with historical names). Some are explicitly grammatical; some are stories. Those that are explicitly grammatical contain some practice for the listener. All introduce the vocabulary in context. Some of the stories also contain questions. They are not circling questions, precisely, but they are contextual questions about the story with answers provided.

All the videos are animated with voice-overs. The macrons are inconsistent, which is something I'm working on - forgive me. As I get them worked out, I'll update the links. You'll need Powerpoint to watch them.

Because they're Powerpoints, theoretically once you've opened them, you should be able to edit them for your own purposes as well, up to and including re-recording slides. I'm not sure if that would affect the files uploaded in my dropbox, but I can't imagine it would.

Some of the titles are less than elucidative, so I explain them below. I suggest watching them in this order, since the vocab builds. The videos have vocab at the end.

Question words is what it sounds like - several question words. It's about 36 second with pictures and pronunciation. The words are glossed on the slide.

Nomen mihi est is in which characters meet and introduce each other.

Vir femina salutat introduces the words in the title. Each of the characters says hello to the others.

You and I practice is an interactive video that asks the listener to pretend to be 'Sam' and respond to Magistra correctly using first and second person singular verbs.

Frequently used verbs is a story about the three main characters. It introduces rooms of the house and objects in them, as well as things you might do in those rooms. Be warned: some stick figure violence.

Want have give take introduces those four verbs in all three persons singular. Agrippina and Marius fight over a dog.

Marius without fingers is a story about Marius, who hasn't got any fingers. He goes around the forum with his dog looking for fingers. Introduces cum, sine, in, vendit and emit with the ablative. Be warned: some stick figure violence.

Stella in stellā introduces the ablative singular of the first three declensions using stars, rocks and hearts. An explanation is at the end. It does not use the word declension or the word ablative. The explanation includes the words ab, cum, in, sine, ex and sub.

Stella in stellīs is the same, but with the plurals.

Files from my classroom

In this folder, you'll find the files for all my question words, idioms, weather, seasons, and days of the week.

Hobbitus Ille
The excellent Anthony Gibbins created three chapters of Hobbitus Ille, Orbergized and illustrated. They are not findable on his website, as alas his computer crashed, so see below. Also, please go enjoy his awesome Legonium. Vocab is sheltered, and the pictures (as with everything Anthony does) are awesome.

Chapter one

Chapter two

Chapter three

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